My coming-of-age story didn’t end when I turned 18. Through a lifetime spent searching for life’s buried treasures, I met with obstacles to overcome, as many of us do, and learned to live my best life.
I unearthed treasures that have brought me joy and dug up gems of wisdom I carry with me. In every situation I have found nuggets of wit and humour.
Ernest Hemingway wrote, “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”
All I have seen, all I have done, and all whom I’ve met have both inspired and transformed me – have become my moveable feast.
New stories came for me when I least expected them, guiding me to places I thought I belonged. Where I belonged changed often as I pushed my personal boundaries, embracing its discomfort.
But there was no other way. I discovered a surprising resilience that I only became aware of from a distance.
Hemingway also wrote, “Maybe away from Paris I could write about Paris as in Paris I could write about Michigan…I did not know Paris well enough.”
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